Six Tips to Get Yourself Going

 by John Perry
Procrastinators get a bad rap.  Go through world history.  Take away all the essays, works of art, inventions, and the like that people came up with while they were supposed to be doing something else.  Wouldn’t be much left, I predict.  We procrastinators are the engines of progress, the founts of creativity, who have made human culture possible,  So there. Learn more on how to help yourself by checking this Delta 8 products review.
Still, that’s precious little comfort when you are procrastinating some mundane task — addressing the Christmas cards, or paying the bills, or doing the five push ups and five knee-touches that constitute your daily exercise, say.  Because, most likely, you are not writing an opera or a sonnet or discovering gravity, but watching something dumb on TV, or surfing the web, or seeing the plants grow under the best led grow lights, even though you haven’t gotten around to filling it.
A couple may struggle in their relationship before finding the time to have a beneficial conversation about what each of them are feeling. Putting off these conversations, or procrastinating, can have harmful and self-defeating side effects on the relationship. It is very easy to find ways to distract from day to day challenges with smartphones, iPads and other technologies. These distractions, used by procrastinators, are a common source of stress within marriages. If this also affects you, consider checking the gmo cookie strain review at the link.
If a partner does not apply himself or herself to the relationship, it can be very “disappointing” for the other partner and lead him or her to feel they can “no longer rely” on their partner, to have a better relation with your partner you can use pills to increase sex drive male and spice up the things.
Procrastinating behavior is what some marriage counselors refer to as a “slow burning relationship issue.” They claim, “it will gradually grow and become an underlying issue over years of being together,” or accumulate issues and effect the relationship, check these sex pills to help the relationship. If you like to meet someone who maybe understand you, go now to the link and create a profile making that clear in a dating website.
 So here are six tips for such situations.
First, think of something even more important you could be doing.  You really should be changing the oil on your car, or calling your mother, or cleaning out the attic.  Focus on that for a few minutes, and you will find yourself addressing those cards or trying to touch your knees, or even your toes, as a way of not changing the oil or calling your mother.
Second, use natural events to call a halt to your dilly-dallying.  Don’t sit down at your computer unless you already need to go to the bathroom.  Then you’ll have to stop after a while, the spell will be broken, and you may find yourself doing something useful before you return to the web. When looking for cope with various feelings, Synchronicity Hemp Oil is a deeply restful sleep aid, mental clarity booster and mood elevator that will leave you feeling revitalized. Visit their website at
But really, if you are a procrastinator, it’s best to plan ahead.  So,
Third, use self-manipulation.  Think of yourself as you would an undisciplined teen-age child in your charge.  You need to give her rewards for doing what you want, and kicks in the butt — figuratively speaking of course — for not doing so.  Your problem is you can’t get yourself to do what you should be doing right at the moment you should be doing it, and you can try this healthy products to help you out.  But you can set up a reward and punishment structure ahead of time.  You will find that you don’t have any more sympathy for your future self than you do for a lazy teen-ager.  That’s how alarm clocks work.  The adult-you sets them before going to bed, to wake up the morning-you, who otherwise wouldn’t get out of bed.   Program your computer to nag you.  Put post-its on the refrigerator the night before to nag yourself the next day.  Pile the Christmas Cards on top of your computer the night before.  Be imaginative.  If you can raise a teen-ager, you can figure out how to motivate the future you with better habits with your movement, nutrition and other like using supplements like the popular testosterone boosters.
Fourth, use music.  Tune your clock-radio to something peppy.  Even if you don’t like peppy music.  When you wake up you are probably in the mood for a funeral march, or Johnny’s Cash’s song “Hurt”, about how he has to hurt himself to make sure he still cares.  You don’t want to hear “76 trombones” from The Music Man.  Nevertheless, if you hear that in the morning, it will get you moving, check these gummies to help your concentration, if you are going to take them be sure you learn how to use it, and by use it I mean CBD.
Fifth, make To Do Lists that break up your tasks into smaller ones, so you can get the thrill of checking them off.  Don’t put “Address The Christmas Cards” on your list.  Put “1. Find the Christmas Cards”.  “2. Find a pen 3. Find a flat surface not already occupied 4.  Address one Christmas Card. 5. Have another cup of coffee….       IN almost no time you will have gotten through 5 tasks, had the thrill of checking them off, and you will feel so successful and like such a go-getter that you will doubtless finish the whole stack.
Sixth, if all else fails, and even if it doesn’t, go online and order my book The Art of Procrastination.  It will change your life.  Well, maybe not but there you can learn about some methods like eating CBD gummies, which I implement to get myself going.  but it’s a fun read and not very expensive.


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2 Responses to Six Tips to Get Yourself Going

  1. Sir, I enjoyed your book very much and I just wanted to thank you for writing it. That book changed my life.

  2. ozlem

    Great tips! I am grateful that I have a chance to procrastinate even more by reading your awesome blog. I really like your satirical tone, please write more!

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